本帖最后由 52Pig 于 2014-10-19 14:22 编辑
3._coordinator 是干嘛的?
准备,一些相关类GlobalPartitionInformation (storm.kafka.trident)记录partitionid和broker的关系
- GlobalPartitionInformation info = new GlobalPartitionInformation();
- info.addPartition(0, new Broker("",9092));
- info.addPartition(0, new Broker("",9092));
可以静态的生成GlobalPartitionInformation,向上面代码一样 也可以动态的从zk获取,推荐这种方式 从zk获取就会用到DynamicBrokersReader
DynamicBrokersReader核心就是从zk上读出partition和broker的对应关系 操作zk都是使用curator框架核心函数
- /**
- * Get all partitions with their current leaders
- */
- public GlobalPartitionInformation getBrokerInfo() {
- GlobalPartitionInformation globalPartitionInformation = new GlobalPartitionInformation();
- try {
- int numPartitionsForTopic = getNumPartitions(); //从zk取得partition的数目
- String brokerInfoPath = brokerPath();
- for (int partition = 0; partition < numPartitionsForTopic; partition++) {
- int leader = getLeaderFor(partition); //从zk获取partition的leader broker
- String path = brokerInfoPath + "/" + leader;
- try {
- byte[] brokerData = _curator.getData().forPath(path);
- Broker hp = getBrokerHost(brokerData); //从zk获取broker的host:port
- globalPartitionInformation.addPartition(partition, hp);//生成GlobalPartitionInformation
- } catch (org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException.NoNodeException e) {
- LOG.error("Node {} does not exist ", path);
- }
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- LOG.info("Read partition info from zookeeper: " + globalPartitionInformation);
- return globalPartitionInformation;
- }
DynamicPartitionConnections 维护到每个broker的connection,并记录下每个broker上对应的partitions核心数据结构,为每个broker维持一个ConnectionInfo - Map<Broker, ConnectionInfo> _connections = new HashMap();
- static class ConnectionInfo {
- SimpleConsumer consumer;
- Set<Integer> partitions = new HashSet();
- public ConnectionInfo(SimpleConsumer consumer) {
- this.consumer = consumer;
- }
- }
- public SimpleConsumer register(Broker host, int partition) {
- if (!_connections.containsKey(host)) {
- _connections.put(host, new ConnectionInfo(new SimpleConsumer(host.host, host.port, _config.socketTimeoutMs, _config.bufferSizeBytes, _config.clientId)));
- }
- ConnectionInfo info = _connections.get(host);
- info.partitions.add(partition);
- return info.consumer;
- }
PartitionManager 关键核心逻辑,用于管理一个partiiton的读取状态 先理解下面几个变量: - Long _emittedToOffset;
- Long _committedTo;
- SortedSet<Long> _pending = new TreeSet<Long>();
- LinkedList<MessageAndRealOffset> _waitingToEmit = new LinkedList<MessageAndRealOffset>();
kafka对于一个partition,一定是从offset从小到大按顺序读的,并且这里为了保证不读丢数据,会定期的将当前状态即offset写入zk几个中间状态,从kafka读到的offset,_emittedToOffset 从kafka读到的messages会放入_waitingToEmit,放入这个list,我们就认为一定会被emit,所以emittedToOffset可以认为是从kafka读到的offset 已经成功处理的offset,lastCompletedOffset 由于message是要在storm里面处理的,其中是可能fail的,所以正在处理的offset是缓存在_pending中的 ,如果_pending为空,那么lastCompletedOffset=_emittedToOffset ;如果_pending不为空,那么lastCompletedOffset为pending list里面第一个offset,因为后面都还在等待ack。 - public long lastCompletedOffset() {
- if (_pending.isEmpty()) {
- return _emittedToOffset;
- } else {
- return _pending.first();
- }
- }
已经写入zk的offset,_committedTo 我们需要定期将lastCompletedOffset,写入zk,否则crash后,我们不知道上次读到哪儿了 ,所以_committedTo <= lastCompletedOffset 完整过程
1. 初始化,关键就是注册partition,然后初始化offset,以知道从哪里开始读
- public PartitionManager(DynamicPartitionConnections connections, String topologyInstanceId, ZkState state, Map stormConf, SpoutConfig spoutConfig, Partition id) {
- _partition = id;
- _connections = connections;
- _spoutConfig = spoutConfig;
- _topologyInstanceId = topologyInstanceId;
- _consumer = connections.register(id.host, id.partition); //注册partition到connections,并生成simpleconsumer
- _state = state;
- _stormConf = stormConf;
- String jsonTopologyId = null;
- Long jsonOffset = null;
- String path = committedPath();
- try {
- Map<Object, Object> json = _state.readJSON(path);
- LOG.info("Read partition information from: " + path + " --> " + json );
- if (json != null) {
- jsonTopologyId = (String) ((Map<Object, Object>) json.get("topology")).get("id");
- jsonOffset = (Long) json.get("offset"); // 从zk中读出commited offset
- }
- } catch (Throwable e) {
- LOG.warn("Error reading and/or parsing at ZkNode: " + path, e);
- }
- if (jsonTopologyId == null || jsonOffset == null) { // zk中没有记录,那么根据spoutConfig.startOffsetTime设置offset,Earliest或Latest
- _committedTo = KafkaUtils.getOffset(_consumer, spoutConfig.topic, id.partition, spoutConfig);
- LOG.info("No partition information found, using configuration to determine offset");
- } else if (!topologyInstanceId.equals(jsonTopologyId) && spoutConfig.forceFromStart) {
- _committedTo = KafkaUtils.getOffset(_consumer, spoutConfig.topic, id.partition, spoutConfig.startOffsetTime);
- LOG.info("Topology change detected and reset from start forced, using configuration to determine offset");
- } else {
- _committedTo = jsonOffset;
- }
- _emittedToOffset = _committedTo; // 初始化时,中间状态都是一致的
- }
2. 从kafka读取messages,放到_waitingToEmit从kafka中读到数据ByteBufferMessageSet, 把需要emit的msg,MessageAndRealOffset,放到_waitingToEmit 把没完成的offset放到pending 更新emittedToOffset.
- private void fill() {
- ByteBufferMessageSet msgs = KafkaUtils.fetchMessages(_spoutConfig, _consumer, _partition, _emittedToOffset);
- for (MessageAndOffset msg : msgs) {
- _pending.add(_emittedToOffset);
- _waitingToEmit.add(new MessageAndRealOffset(msg.message(), _emittedToOffset));
- _emittedToOffset = msg.nextOffset();
- }
- }
其中fetch message的逻辑如下
- public static ByteBufferMessageSet fetchMessages(KafkaConfig config, SimpleConsumer consumer, Partition partition, long offset) {
- ByteBufferMessageSet msgs = null;
- String topic = config.topic;
- int partitionId = partition.partition;
- for (int errors = 0; errors < 2 && msgs == null; errors++) { // 容忍两次错误
- FetchRequestBuilder builder = new FetchRequestBuilder();
- FetchRequest fetchRequest = builder.addFetch(topic, partitionId, offset, config.fetchSizeBytes).
- clientId(config.clientId).build();
- FetchResponse fetchResponse;
- try {
- fetchResponse = consumer.fetch(fetchRequest);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- if (e instanceof ConnectException) {
- throw new FailedFetchException(e);
- } else {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- }
- if (fetchResponse.hasError()) { // 主要处理offset outofrange的case,通过getOffset从earliest或latest读
- KafkaError error = KafkaError.getError(fetchResponse.errorCode(topic, partitionId));
- if (error.equals(KafkaError.OFFSET_OUT_OF_RANGE) && config.useStartOffsetTimeIfOffsetOutOfRange && errors == 0) {
- long startOffset = getOffset(consumer, topic, partitionId, config.startOffsetTime);
- LOG.warn("Got fetch request with offset out of range: [" + offset + "]; " +
- "retrying with default start offset time from configuration. " +
- "configured start offset time: [" + config.startOffsetTime + "] offset: [" + startOffset + "]");
- offset = startOffset;
- } else {
- String message = "Error fetching data from [" + partition + "] for topic [" + topic + "]: [" + error + "]";
- LOG.error(message);
- throw new FailedFetchException(message);
- }
- } else {
- msgs = fetchResponse.messageSet(topic, partitionId);
- }
- }
- return msgs;
- }
3. emit msg 从_waitingToEmit中取到msg,转换成tuple,然后通过collector.emit发出去 - public EmitState next(SpoutOutputCollector collector) {
- if (_waitingToEmit.isEmpty()) {
- fill();
- }
- while (true) {
- MessageAndRealOffset toEmit = _waitingToEmit.pollFirst();
- if (toEmit == null) {
- return EmitState.NO_EMITTED;
- }
- Iterable<List<Object>> tups = KafkaUtils.generateTuples(_spoutConfig, toEmit.msg);
- if (tups != null) {
- for (List<Object> tup : tups) {
- collector.emit(tup, new KafkaMessageId(_partition, toEmit.offset));
- }
- break;
- } else {
- ack(toEmit.offset);
- }
- }
- if (!_waitingToEmit.isEmpty()) {
- return EmitState.EMITTED_MORE_LEFT;
- } else {
- return EmitState.EMITTED_END;
- }
- }
可以看看转换tuple的过程, 可以看到是通过kafkaConfig.scheme.deserialize来做转换.
- public static Iterable<List<Object>> generateTuples(KafkaConfig kafkaConfig, Message msg) {
- Iterable<List<Object>> tups;
- ByteBuffer payload = msg.payload();
- ByteBuffer key = msg.key();
- if (key != null && kafkaConfig.scheme instanceof KeyValueSchemeAsMultiScheme) {
- tups = ((KeyValueSchemeAsMultiScheme) kafkaConfig.scheme).deserializeKeyAndValue(Utils.toByteArray(key), Utils.toByteArray(payload));
- } else {
- tups = kafkaConfig.scheme.deserialize(Utils.toByteArray(payload));
- }
- return tups;
- }
- spoutConfig.scheme = new SchemeAsMultiScheme(new TestMessageScheme());
- public class TestMessageScheme implements Scheme {
- private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestMessageScheme.class);
- @Override
- public List<Object> deserialize(byte[] bytes) {
- try {
- String msg = new String(bytes, "UTF-8");
- return new Values(msg);
- } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) {
- LOGGER.error("Cannot parse the provided message!");
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public Fields getOutputFields() {
- return new Fields("msg");
- }
- }
4. 定期的commit offset
- public void commit() {
- long lastCompletedOffset = lastCompletedOffset();
- if (lastCompletedOffset != lastCommittedOffset()) {
- Map<Object, Object> data = ImmutableMap.builder()
- .put("topology", ImmutableMap.of("id", _topologyInstanceId,
- "name", _stormConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_NAME)))
- .put("offset", lastCompletedOffset)
- .put("partition", _partition.partition)
- .put("broker", ImmutableMap.of("host", _partition.host.host,
- "port", _partition.host.port))
- .put("topic", _spoutConfig.topic).build();
- _state.writeJSON(committedPath(), data);
- _committedTo = lastCompletedOffset;
- } else {
- LOG.info("No new offset for " + _partition + " for topology: " + _topologyInstanceId);
- }
- }
5. 最后关注一下,fail时的处理首先作者没有cache message,而只是cache offset所以fail的时候,他是无法直接replay的,在他的注释里面写了,不这样做的原因是怕内存爆掉。所以他的做法是,当一个offset fail的时候, 直接将_emittedToOffset回滚到当前fail的这个offset 下次从Kafka fetch的时候会从_emittedToOffset开始读,这样做的好处就是依赖kafka做replay,问题就是会有重复问题 所以使用时,一定要考虑,是否可以接受重复问题。
- public void fail(Long offset) {
- //TODO: should it use in-memory ack set to skip anything that's been acked but not committed???
- // things might get crazy with lots of timeouts
- if (_emittedToOffset > offset) {
- _emittedToOffset = offset;
- _pending.tailSet(offset).clear();
- }
- }
1. 初始化
- public void open(Map conf, final TopologyContext context, final SpoutOutputCollector collector) {
- _collector = collector;
- Map stateConf = new HashMap(conf);
- List<String> zkServers = _spoutConfig.zkServers;
- if (zkServers == null) {
- zkServers = (List<String>) conf.get(Config.STORM_ZOOKEEPER_SERVERS);
- }
- Integer zkPort = _spoutConfig.zkPort;
- if (zkPort == null) {
- zkPort = ((Number) conf.get(Config.STORM_ZOOKEEPER_PORT)).intValue();
- }
- stateConf.put(Config.TRANSACTIONAL_ZOOKEEPER_SERVERS, zkServers);
- stateConf.put(Config.TRANSACTIONAL_ZOOKEEPER_PORT, zkPort);
- stateConf.put(Config.TRANSACTIONAL_ZOOKEEPER_ROOT, _spoutConfig.zkRoot);
- _state = new ZkState(stateConf);
- _connections = new DynamicPartitionConnections(_spoutConfig, KafkaUtils.makeBrokerReader(conf, _spoutConfig));
- // using TransactionalState like this is a hack
- int totalTasks = context.getComponentTasks(context.getThisComponentId()).size();
- if (_spoutConfig.hosts instanceof StaticHosts) {
- _coordinator = new StaticCoordinator(_connections, conf, _spoutConfig, _state, context.getThisTaskIndex(), totalTasks, _uuid);
- } else {
- _coordinator = new ZkCoordinator(_connections, conf, _spoutConfig, _state, context.getThisTaskIndex(), totalTasks, _uuid);
- }
- }
_coordinator 是干嘛的?这很关键,因为我们一般都会开多个并发的kafkaspout,类似于high-level中的consumer group,如何保证这些并发的线程不冲突?使用和highlevel一样的思路,一个partition只会有一个spout消费,这样就避免处理麻烦的访问互斥问题(kafka做访问互斥很麻烦,试着想想) 是根据当前spout的task数和partition数来分配,task和partitioin的对应关系的,并且为每个partition建立
这里首先看到totalTasks就是当前这个spout component的task size StaticCoordinator和ZkCoordinator的差别就是, 从StaticHost还是从Zk读到partition的信息,简单起见,看看StaticCoordinator实现:
- public class StaticCoordinator implements PartitionCoordinator {
- Map<Partition, PartitionManager> _managers = new HashMap<Partition, PartitionManager>();
- List<PartitionManager> _allManagers = new ArrayList();
- public StaticCoordinator(DynamicPartitionConnections connections, Map stormConf, SpoutConfig config, ZkState state, int taskIndex, int totalTasks, String topologyInstanceId) {
- StaticHosts hosts = (StaticHosts) config.hosts;
- List<Partition> myPartitions = KafkaUtils.calculatePartitionsForTask(hosts.getPartitionInformation(), totalTasks, taskIndex);
- for (Partition myPartition : myPartitions) {// 建立PartitionManager
- _managers.put(myPartition, new PartitionManager(connections, topologyInstanceId, state, stormConf, config, myPartition));
- }
- _allManagers = new ArrayList(_managers.values());
- }
- @Override
- public List<PartitionManager> getMyManagedPartitions() {
- return _allManagers;
- }
- public PartitionManager getManager(Partition partition) {
- return _managers.get(partition);
- }
- }
- public static List<Partition> calculatePartitionsForTask(GlobalPartitionInformation partitionInformation, int totalTasks, int taskIndex) {
- Preconditions.checkArgument(taskIndex < totalTasks, "task index must be less that total tasks");
- List<Partition> partitions = partitionInformation.getOrderedPartitions();
- int numPartitions = partitions.size();
- List<Partition> taskPartitions = new ArrayList<Partition>();
- for (int i = taskIndex; i < numPartitions; i += totalTasks) {// 平均分配,
- Partition taskPartition = partitions.get(i);
- taskPartitions.add(taskPartition);
- }
- logPartitionMapping(totalTasks, taskIndex, taskPartitions);
- return taskPartitions;
- }
2. nextTuple
逻辑写的比较tricky,其实只要从一个partition读成功一次 ,只所以要for,是当EmitState.NO_EMITTED时,需要遍历后面的partition以保证读成功一次
- @Override
- public void nextTuple() {
- List<PartitionManager> managers = _coordinator.getMyManagedPartitions();
- for (int i = 0; i < managers.size(); i++) {
- // in case the number of managers decreased
- _currPartitionIndex = _currPartitionIndex % managers.size(); //_currPartitionIndex初始为0,每次依次读一个partition
- EmitState state = managers.get(_currPartitionIndex).next(_collector); //调用PartitonManager.next去emit数据
- if (state != EmitState.EMITTED_MORE_LEFT) { //当EMITTED_MORE_LEFT时,还有数据,可以继续读,不需要+1
- _currPartitionIndex = (_currPartitionIndex + 1) % managers.size();
- }
- if (state != EmitState.NO_EMITTED) { //当EmitState.NO_EMITTED时,表明partition的数据已经读完,也就是没有读到数据,所以不能break
- break;
- }
- }
- long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
- if ((now - _lastUpdateMs) > _spoutConfig.stateUpdateIntervalMs) {
- commit(); //定期commit
- }
- }
- private void commit() {
- _lastUpdateMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
- for (PartitionManager manager : _coordinator.getMyManagedPartitions()) {
- manager.commit();
- }
- }
3. Ack和Fail
- @Override
- public void ack(Object msgId) {
- KafkaMessageId id = (KafkaMessageId) msgId;
- PartitionManager m = _coordinator.getManager(id.partition);
- if (m != null) {
- m.ack(id.offset);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void fail(Object msgId) {
- KafkaMessageId id = (KafkaMessageId) msgId;
- PartitionManager m = _coordinator.getManager(id.partition);
- if (m != null) {
- m.fail(id.offset);
- }
- }
4. declareOutputFields
- @Override
- public void declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer declarer) {
- declarer.declare(_spoutConfig.scheme.getOutputFields());
- }
再来看下Metrics,关键学习一下如何在storm里面加metrics 。在spout.open里面初始化了下面两个metrics
反映出每个partition的earliestTimeOffset,latestTimeOffset,和latestEmittedOffset,其中latestTimeOffset - latestEmittedOffset就是spout lag 除了反映出每个partition的,还会算出所有的partitions的总数据
- context.registerMetric("kafkaOffset", new IMetric() {
- KafkaUtils.KafkaOffsetMetric _kafkaOffsetMetric = new KafkaUtils.KafkaOffsetMetric(_spoutConfig.topic, _connections);
- @Override
- public Object getValueAndReset() {
- List<PartitionManager> pms = _coordinator.getMyManagedPartitions(); //从coordinator获取pms的信息
- Set<Partition> latestPartitions = new HashSet();
- for (PartitionManager pm : pms) {
- latestPartitions.add(pm.getPartition());
- }
- _kafkaOffsetMetric.refreshPartitions(latestPartitions); //根据最新的partition信息删除metric中已经不存在的partition的统计信息
- for (PartitionManager pm : pms) {
- _kafkaOffsetMetric.setLatestEmittedOffset(pm.getPartition(), pm.lastCompletedOffset()); //更新metric中每个partition的已经完成的offset
- }
- return _kafkaOffsetMetric.getValueAndReset();
- }
- }, _spoutConfig.metricsTimeBucketSizeInSecs);
- @Override
- public Object getValueAndReset() {
- try {
- long totalSpoutLag = 0;
- long totalEarliestTimeOffset = 0;
- long totalLatestTimeOffset = 0;
- long totalLatestEmittedOffset = 0;
- HashMap ret = new HashMap();
- if (_partitions != null && _partitions.size() == _partitionToOffset.size()) {
- for (Map.Entry<Partition, Long> e : _partitionToOffset.entrySet()) {
- Partition partition = e.getKey();
- SimpleConsumer consumer = _connections.getConnection(partition);
- long earliestTimeOffset = getOffset(consumer, _topic, partition.partition, kafka.api.OffsetRequest.EarliestTime());
- long latestTimeOffset = getOffset(consumer, _topic, partition.partition, kafka.api.OffsetRequest.LatestTime());
- long latestEmittedOffset = e.getValue();
- long spoutLag = latestTimeOffset - latestEmittedOffset;
- ret.put(partition.getId() + "/" + "spoutLag", spoutLag);
- ret.put(partition.getId() + "/" + "earliestTimeOffset", earliestTimeOffset);
- ret.put(partition.getId() + "/" + "latestTimeOffset", latestTimeOffset);
- ret.put(partition.getId() + "/" + "latestEmittedOffset", latestEmittedOffset);
- totalSpoutLag += spoutLag;
- totalEarliestTimeOffset += earliestTimeOffset;
- totalLatestTimeOffset += latestTimeOffset;
- totalLatestEmittedOffset += latestEmittedOffset;
- }
- ret.put("totalSpoutLag", totalSpoutLag);
- ret.put("totalEarliestTimeOffset", totalEarliestTimeOffset);
- ret.put("totalLatestTimeOffset", totalLatestTimeOffset);
- ret.put("totalLatestEmittedOffset", totalLatestEmittedOffset);
- return ret;
- } else {
- LOG.info("Metrics Tick: Not enough data to calculate spout lag.");
- }
- } catch (Throwable t) {
- LOG.warn("Metrics Tick: Exception when computing kafkaOffset metric.", t);
- }
- return null;
- }
反映出从Kafka fetch数据的情况,fetchAPILatencyMax,fetchAPILatencyMean,fetchAPICallCount 和 fetchAPIMessageCount
- context.registerMetric("kafkaPartition", new IMetric() {
- @Override
- public Object getValueAndReset() {
- List<PartitionManager> pms = _coordinator.getMyManagedPartitions();
- Map concatMetricsDataMaps = new HashMap();
- for (PartitionManager pm : pms) {
- concatMetricsDataMaps.putAll(pm.getMetricsDataMap());
- }
- return concatMetricsDataMaps;
- }
- }, _spoutConfig.metricsTimeBucketSizeInSecs);
- public Map getMetricsDataMap() {
- Map ret = new HashMap();
- ret.put(_partition + "/fetchAPILatencyMax", _fetchAPILatencyMax.getValueAndReset());
- ret.put(_partition + "/fetchAPILatencyMean", _fetchAPILatencyMean.getValueAndReset());
- ret.put(_partition + "/fetchAPICallCount", _fetchAPICallCount.getValueAndReset());
- ret.put(_partition + "/fetchAPIMessageCount", _fetchAPIMessageCount.getValueAndReset());
- return ret;
- }
- private void fill() {
- long start = System.nanoTime();
- ByteBufferMessageSet msgs = KafkaUtils.fetchMessages(_spoutConfig, _consumer, _partition, _emittedToOffset);
- long end = System.nanoTime();
- long millis = (end - start) / 1000000;
- _fetchAPILatencyMax.update(millis);
- _fetchAPILatencyMean.update(millis);
- _fetchAPICallCount.incr();
- int numMessages = countMessages(msgs);
- _fetchAPIMessageCount.incrBy(numMessages);
- }
我们在读取kafka时,首先是关心,每个partition的读取状况,这个通过取得KafkaOffset Metrics就可以知道。再者,我们需要replay数据,使用high-level接口的时候可以通过系统提供的工具,这里如何搞?看下下面的代码,
第二个else if,当topologyInstanceId发生变化时,并且forceFromStart为true时,就会取startOffsetTime指定的offset(Latest或Earliest) 这个topologyInstanceId, 每次KafkaSpout对象生成的时候随机产生,
String _uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
- if (jsonTopologyId == null || jsonOffset == null) { // failed to parse JSON?
- _committedTo = KafkaUtils.getOffset(_consumer, spoutConfig.topic, id.partition, spoutConfig);
- LOG.info("No partition information found, using configuration to determine offset");
- } else if (!topologyInstanceId.equals(jsonTopologyId) && spoutConfig.forceFromStart) {
- _committedTo = KafkaUtils.getOffset(_consumer, spoutConfig.topic, id.partition, spoutConfig.startOffsetTime);
- LOG.info("Topology change detected and reset from start forced, using configuration to determine offset");
- } else {
- _committedTo = jsonOffset;
- LOG.info("Read last commit offset from zookeeper: " + _committedTo + "; old topology_id: " + jsonTopologyId + " - new topology_id: " + topologyInstanceId );
- }
- import storm.kafka.KafkaSpout;
- import storm.kafka.SpoutConfig;
- import storm.kafka.BrokerHosts;
- import storm.kafka.ZkHosts;
- import storm.kafka.KeyValueSchemeAsMultiScheme;
- import storm.kafka.KeyValueScheme;
- public static class SimplekVScheme implements KeyValueScheme { //定义scheme
- @Override
- public List<Object> deserializeKeyAndValue(byte[] key, byte[] value){
- ArrayList tuple = new ArrayList();
- tuple.add(key);
- tuple.add(value);
- return tuple;
- }
- @Override
- public List<Object> deserialize(byte[] bytes) {
- ArrayList tuple = new ArrayList();
- tuple.add(bytes);
- return tuple;
- }
- @Override
- public Fields getOutputFields() {
- return new Fields("key","value");
- }
- }
- String topic = “test”; //
- String zkRoot = “/kafkastorm”; //
- String spoutId = “id”; //读取的status会被存在,/kafkastorm/id下面,所以id类似consumer group
- BrokerHosts brokerHosts = new ZkHosts(",");
- SpoutConfig spoutConfig = new SpoutConfig(brokerHosts, topic, zkRoot, spoutId);
- spoutConfig.scheme = new KeyValueSchemeAsMultiScheme(new SimplekVScheme());
- /*spoutConfig.zkServers = new ArrayList<String>(){{ //只有在local模式下需要记录读取状态时,才需要设置
- add("");
- }};
- spoutConfig.zkPort = 2181;*/
- spoutConfig.forceFromStart = false;
- spoutConfig.startOffsetTime = kafka.api.OffsetRequest.EarliestTime();
- spoutConfig.metricsTimeBucketSizeInSecs = 6;
- builder.setSpout(SqlCollectorTopologyDef.KAFKA_SPOUT_NAME, new KafkaSpout(spoutConfig), 1);