本帖最后由 pig2 于 2014-12-27 23:16 编辑
2.本文讲了Kafka 哪两种监控方式?
1)、- high level consumer api
该consumer api 封装了很多consumer需要的高级功能,如
- Auto/Hidden Offset Management
- Auto(Simple) Partition Assignment
- Broker Failover => Auto Rebalance
- Consumer Failover => Auto Rebalance
- If user do not want any of these, then simple consumer is sufficient
- If user want to control over offset management with others unchanged, one option is to expose the current ZK implementation of the high-level consumer to users and allow them to override; another option is to change the high-level consumer API to return the offset vector associated with messages
- If user want to control partition assignment, one option is to change the high-level consumer API to allow such config info be passed in while creating the stream; another option is ad-hoc: just make a single-partition topic and assign it to the consumer.
- If user just want the automatic partition assignment be more "smart" with co-location consideration, etc, one option is to store the host/rack info in ZK and let the rebalance algorithm read them while doing the computation.
该consumer默认会把自己的信息写在zk路径 /consumers/<groupId>,其中包括
- offsets 该topic的<partition_num>上的offset的值
- owners 当前<topic>的每个partition,在该<groupId>下能收取数据的consumer的唯一ID
- ids 当前<groupId>的所有consumer列表
正常情况下,High level consumer可以满足我们日常大多数用途。
2)、- simple consumer api
1). JMX
Kafka内置有一个Mx4jLoader的程序,该程序如果在classpath中发现了mx4j-tools.jar,就会加载该jar,在8082 可以查看MX4J提供的网页信息。
除该内置的接口外,也可以自行修改Java启动命令,加入jmx。然后基于jmx集成到各大监控系统,如Zabbix, Ganglia等。后者直接github上直接有一个项目(猛击这里)
2). zookeeper
典型监控有kafkamonitor 和kafka-web-console
wiki:https://cwiki.apache.org/conflue ... er+Client+Re-Design