

xioaxu790 发表于 2014-5-10 19:06:12 [显示全部楼层] 回帖奖励 阅读模式 关闭右栏 0 18645


  事实上,在tempest的配置文件里,已经对各个变量进行了尽可能详尽的说明,本文对相关配置内容进行进一步的说明,方便openstack入门者尽快入手openstack QA测试。


   #cp tempest.conf.sample tempest.conf


========================================BEGIN ====================================



# This section contains configurationoptions that a variety of Tempest
# test clients use when authenticating withdifferent user/tenant
# combinations

# Set to True if your test environment'sKeystone authentication service should
# be accessed over HTTPS
use_ssl = False
# This is the main host address of theauthentication service API
host =

因为我们一般在controller node上进行tempest测试,所以设定为127.0.0.1

# Port that the authentication service APIis running on
port = 5000
# Version of the authentication service API(a string)
api_version = v2.0
# Path to the authentication service tokensresource (do not modify unless you
# have a custom authentication API and arenot using Keystone)
path = tokens
# Should typically be left as keystoneunless you have a non-Keystone
# authentication API service
strategy = keystone


这部分是关于nova service的设定

# This section contains configurationoptions used when executing tests
# against the OpenStack Compute API.

# This should be the username of a userWITHOUT administrative privileges
username = demo
# The above non-administrative user'spassword
password = password
# The above non-administrative user'stenant name
tenant_name = demo



# keystone tenant-create --name demo --enabled true --description"Description of demo"

# keystone user-create --name demo --tenant_id <ID of tenant'demo'> --pass password

  --email <mail of used>--enable true

# This should be the username of analternate user WITHOUT
# administrative privileges
alt_username = demo_alt
# The above non-administrative user'spassword
alt_password = password
# The above non-administrative user'stenant name
alt_tenant_name = demo_alt


# Reference data for tests. The ref andref_alt should be
# distinct images/flavors.
image_ref =783b3a98-06c8-4557-a6d4-aa15ed6213a8
image_ref_alt =5bd6d058-72fb-405c-a8df-c5fca3875425

:这两组数据是glance服务里面的两个imageID通过 # glance image-list命令可以取得所有的image id


flavor_ref = 1

flavor_ref_alt = 2

:这两组数据是tempest创建instance测试用例使用的flavor id参数。通过 # nova flavor-list命令

:可以看到当前openstack环境的所有flavor,默认情况下,openstack会创建5flavor, 这里的12


# Number of seconds to wait while loopingto check the status of an
# instance or volume that is building.
build_interval = 10

:这个参数是tempest测试用例里用于监测相关操作是否完成的监测间隔,包括创建instance, volume等,如果


# Number of seconds to time out on waitingfor an instance or volume
# to build or reach an expected status
build_timeout = 1800






# The type of endpoint for a Compute APIservice. Unless you have a

# custom Keystone service catalogimplementation, you probably want to leave
# this value as "compute"
catalog_type = compute

# Does the Compute API support creation ofimages?
create_image_enabled = true

# For resize to work with libvirt/kvm, oneof the following must be true:
# Single node:allow_resize_to_same_host=True must be set in nova.conf
# Cluster: the 'nova' user must have scpaccess between cluster nodes
resize_available = true

:设置是否允许resize instance。注意如果是多个compute node,需要各个node之间能够无密码ssh访问。

:因为在有多个compute node时,在resize的过程中可能会将一个instance从一个compute node迁移到

:另一个compute node上(由nova schedule决定),而nova用户无密码访问就是为了把instance的数据

:从一个node scp到另一个node上。

# Level to log Compute API request/responsedetails.
log_level = ERROR



# This section contains configurationoptions used when executing tests
# against the OpenStack Images API

# This should be the username of a userWITHOUT administrative privileges
username = demo
# The above non-administrative user'spassword
password = password
# The above non-administrative user'stenant name
tenant_name = demo



nova admin用户设定部分

# This section contains configurationoptions for an administrative
# user of the Compute API. These optionsare used in tests that stress
# the admin-only parts of the Compute API

# This should be the username of a userWITH administrative privileges
username = admin
# The above administrative user's password
password = password
# The above administrative user's tenantname
tenant_name = admin




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