r[mw_shl_code=actionscript3,true]oot@controller:~# tail -f /var/log/nova/nova-cert.log
2015-09-17 00:12:28.948 1136 INFO nova.openstack.common.service [req-01461042-aad6-45d9-a8c0-44610d861491 - - - - -] Caught SIGTERM, exiting
2015-09-17 00:12:29.900 1136 ERROR oslo_messaging._drivers.impl_rabbit [-] Failed to consume message from queue:
2015-09-17 00:12:30.999 4109 INFO nova.service [-] Starting cert node (version 2015.1.1)
2015-09-17 00:12:31.561 4109 INFO oslo_messaging._drivers.impl_rabbit [req-f981c6c2-9d53-4e25-9fa1-8cc0ad7ccc7a - - - - -] Connecting to AMQP server on controller:5672
2015-09-17 00:12:31.573 4109 INFO oslo_messaging._drivers.impl_rabbit [req-f981c6c2-9d53-4e25-9fa1-8cc0ad7ccc7a - - - - -] Connected to AMQP server on controller:5672
2015-09-17 00:21:45.309 4109 INFO nova.openstack.common.service [req-803c364c-85fd-470f-8bb0-20ccc9545c23 - - - - -] Caught SIGTERM, exiting
2015-09-17 00:21:45.825 4109 ERROR oslo_messaging._drivers.impl_rabbit [-] Failed to consume message from queue:
2015-09-17 00:21:46.938 4604 INFO nova.service [-] Starting cert node (version 2015.1.1)
2015-09-17 00:21:47.516 4604 INFO oslo_messaging._drivers.impl_rabbit [req-a0b50430-d10e-4e08-80e0-283c7635e53a - - - - -] Connecting to AMQP server on controller:5672
2015-09-17 00:21:47.528 4604 INFO oslo_messaging._drivers.impl_rabbit [req-a0b50430-d10e-4e08-80e0-283c7635e53a - - - - -] Connected to AMQP server on controller:5672
[mw_shl_code=actionscript3,true]root@controller:~# tail -f /var/log/nova/nova-consoleauth.log
2015-09-16 22:33:25.927 1142 INFO nova.service [-] Starting consoleauth node (version 2015.1.1)
2015-09-16 22:33:25.943 1142 WARNING oslo_db.sqlalchemy.session [req-cb11c77a-2013-41e7-bb9f-cfa09754ee27 - - - - -] SQL connection failed. 10 attempts left.
2015-09-16 22:33:36.210 1142 INFO oslo_messaging._drivers.impl_rabbit [req-cb11c77a-2013-41e7-bb9f-cfa09754ee27 - - - - -] Connecting to AMQP server on controller:5672
2015-09-16 22:33:36.220 1142 INFO oslo_messaging._drivers.impl_rabbit [req-cb11c77a-2013-41e7-bb9f-cfa09754ee27 - - - - -] Connected to AMQP server on controller:5672
2015-09-16 23:11:34.195 1142 INFO nova.openstack.common.service [req-6152d5f3-83c9-4c5b-b587-062e318c36a9 - - - - -] Caught SIGTERM, exiting
2015-09-16 23:11:35.165 1142 ERROR oslo_messaging._drivers.impl_rabbit [-] Failed to consume message from queue:
2015-09-16 23:14:10.069 1139 INFO nova.service [-] Starting consoleauth node (version 2015.1.1)
2015-09-16 23:14:10.079 1139 WARNING oslo_db.sqlalchemy.session [req-4516ec44-04b9-402c-a505-5a94228edf8f - - - - -] SQL connection failed. 10 attempts left.
2015-09-16 23:14:20.297 1139 INFO oslo_messaging._drivers.impl_rabbit [req-4516ec44-04b9-402c-a505-5a94228edf8f - - - - -] Connecting to AMQP server on controller:5672
2015-09-16 23:14:20.309 1139 INFO oslo_messaging._drivers.impl_rabbit [req-4516ec44-04b9-402c-a505-5a94228edf8f - - - - -] Connected to AMQP server on controller:5672[/mw_shl_code]