这里先以一个简单的cinder命令(cinder list)为例,来逐步解析代码的实现过程。
- def main(self, argv):
- # Parse args once to find version and debug settings
- # get_base_parser:获取基本的命令行解析器;
- # 调用add_argument方法实现添加具体命令行参数;
- # 构造参数解析类ArgumentParser的实例parser,然后通过实例调用方法parser.add_argument增加一些固有的参数;
- parser = self.get_base_parser()
- # parse_known_args函数是将解析的参数按属性的方式存储到Namespace对象;
- (options, args) = parser.parse_known_args(argv)
- self.setup_debugging(options.debug)
- api_version_input = True
- # 确定使用API的版本,默认版本为V1;
- if not options.os_volume_api_version:
- # Environment variable OS_VOLUME_API_VERSION was
- # not set and '--os-volume-api-version' option doesn't
- # specify a value. Fall back to default.
- options.os_volume_api_version = DEFAULT_OS_VOLUME_API_VERSION
- api_version_input = False
- # build available subcommands based on version
- # 根据所使用的API版本,进一步确定API扩展的版本;
- self.extensions = self._discover_extensions(options.os_volume_api_version)
- self._run_extension_hooks('__pre_parse_args__')
- # 创建可利用的subcommands,基于版本;
- subcommand_parser = self.get_subcommand_parser(
- options.os_volume_api_version)
- self.parser = subcommand_parser
- if options.help or not argv:
- subcommand_parser.print_help()
- return 0
- # 命令行参数的解析;
- args = subcommand_parser.parse_args(argv)
- self._run_extension_hooks('__post_parse_args__', args)
- # Short-circuit and deal with help right away.
- if args.func == self.do_help:
- self.do_help(args)
- return 0
- elif args.func == self.do_bash_completion:
- self.do_bash_completion(args)
- return 0
- (os_username, os_password, os_tenant_name, os_auth_url,
- os_region_name, os_tenant_id, endpoint_type, insecure,
- service_type, service_name, volume_service_name,
- username, apikey, projectid, url, region_name, cacert) = (
- args.os_username, args.os_password,
- args.os_tenant_name, args.os_auth_url,
- args.os_region_name, args.os_tenant_id,
- args.endpoint_type, args.insecure,
- args.service_type, args.service_name,
- args.volume_service_name, args.username,
- args.apikey, args.projectid,
- args.url, args.region_name, args.os_cacert)
- if not endpoint_type:
- if not service_type:
- service_type = utils.get_service_type(args.func) or service_type
- #FIXME(usrleon): Here should be restrict for project id same as
- # for os_username or os_password but for compatibility it is not.
- # 若干参数的相关验证和处理;
- if not utils.isunauthenticated(args.func):
- if not os_username:
- if not username:
- raise exc.CommandError(
- "You must provide a username "
- "via either --os-username or env[OS_USERNAME]")
- else:
- os_username = username
- if not os_password:
- if not apikey:
- raise exc.CommandError("You must provide a password "
- "via either --os-password or via "
- "env[OS_PASSWORD]")
- else:
- os_password = apikey
- if not (os_tenant_name or os_tenant_id):
- if not projectid:
- raise exc.CommandError("You must provide a tenant_id "
- "via either --os-tenant-id or "
- "env[OS_TENANT_ID]")
- else:
- os_tenant_name = projectid
- if not os_auth_url:
- if not url:
- raise exc.CommandError(
- "You must provide an auth url "
- "via either --os-auth-url or env[OS_AUTH_URL]")
- else:
- os_auth_url = url
- if not os_region_name and region_name:
- os_region_name = region_name
- if not (os_tenant_name or os_tenant_id):
- raise exc.CommandError(
- "You must provide a tenant_id "
- "via either --os-tenant-id or env[OS_TENANT_ID]")
- if not os_auth_url:
- raise exc.CommandError(
- "You must provide an auth url "
- "via either --os-auth-url or env[OS_AUTH_URL]")
- # 类Client的初始化;
- self.cs = client.Client(options.os_volume_api_version, os_username,
- os_password, os_tenant_name, os_auth_url,
- insecure, region_name=os_region_name,
- tenant_id=os_tenant_id,
- endpoint_type=endpoint_type,
- extensions=self.extensions,
- service_type=service_type,
- service_name=service_name,
- volume_service_name=volume_service_name,
- retries=options.retries,
- http_log_debug=args.debug,
- cacert=cacert)
- # 如果所要调用的方法没有标志为unauthenticated,则需要进行身份验证操作;
- try:
- if not utils.isunauthenticated(args.func):
- self.cs.authenticate()
- except exc.Unauthorized:
- raise exc.CommandError("Invalid OpenStack Cinder credentials.")
- except exc.AuthorizationFailure:
- raise exc.CommandError("Unable to authorize user")
- # 实现调用相关方法对Volume API的版本进行验证操作;
- endpoint_api_version = None
- # Try to get the API version from the endpoint URL. If that fails fall
- # back to trying to use what the user specified via
- # --os-volume-api-version or with the OS_VOLUME_API_VERSION environment
- # variable. Fail safe is to use the default API setting.
- try:
- endpoint_api_version = \
- self.cs.get_volume_api_version_from_endpoint()
- if endpoint_api_version != options.os_volume_api_version:
- msg = (("Volume API version is set to %s "
- "but you are accessing a %s endpoint. "
- "Change its value via either --os-volume-api-version "
- % (options.os_volume_api_version, endpoint_api_version))
- raise exc.InvalidAPIVersion(msg)
- except exc.UnsupportedVersion:
- endpoint_api_version = options.os_volume_api_version
- if api_version_input:
- logger.warning("Unable to determine the API version via "
- "endpoint URL. Falling back to user "
- "specified version: %s" %
- endpoint_api_version)
- else:
- logger.warning("Unable to determine the API version from "
- "endpoint URL or user input. Falling back to "
- "default API version: %s" %
- endpoint_api_version)
- args.func(self.cs, args)
parser = self.get_base_parser(),获取基本的命令行解析器,调用add_argument方法实现添加具体命令行参数,构造参数解析类ArgumentParser的实例parser,然后通过实例调用方法parser.add_argument增加一些固有的参数;
(options, args) = parser.parse_known_args(argv),parse_known_args方法是将解析的参数按属性的方式存储到Namespace对象;
- options = Namespace(apikey='', debug=False, endpoint_type='publicURL', help=False, insecure=False, os_auth_url='', os_cacert=None, os_password='453757e2e8314b0a', os_region_name='',
- os_tenant_id='', os_tenant_name='admin', os_username='admin', os_volume_api_version=None, projectid='', region_name=None, retries=0, service_name='', service_type=None, url='', username=None, volume_service_name='')
- args = list
- # 确定使用API的版本,默认版本为V1;
- if not options.os_volume_api_version:
- # Environment variable OS_VOLUME_API_VERSION was
- # not set and '--os-volume-api-version' option doesn't
- # specify a value. Fall back to default.
- options.os_volume_api_version = DEFAULT_OS_VOLUME_API_VERSION
- api_version_input = False
- # build available subcommands based on version
- # 根据所使用的API版本,进一步确定API扩展的版本;
- self.extensions = self._discover_extensions(options.os_volume_api_version)
- self._run_extension_hooks('__pre_parse_args__')
- # 创建可利用的subcommands,基于版本;
- subcommand_parser = self.get_subcommand_parser(
- options.os_volume_api_version)
- self.parser = subcommand_parser
- if options.help or not argv:
- subcommand_parser.print_help()
- return 0
- # 命令行参数的解析;
- args = subcommand_parser.parse_args(argv)
- self._run_extension_hooks('__post_parse_args__', args)
- (os_username, os_password, os_tenant_name, os_auth_url,
- os_region_name, os_tenant_id, endpoint_type, insecure,
- service_type, service_name, volume_service_name,
- username, apikey, projectid, url, region_name, cacert) = (
- args.os_username, args.os_password,
- args.os_tenant_name, args.os_auth_url,
- args.os_region_name, args.os_tenant_id,
- args.endpoint_type, args.insecure,
- args.service_type, args.service_name,
- args.volume_service_name, args.username,
- args.apikey, args.projectid,
- args.url, args.region_name, args.os_cacert)
- os_username = admin
- os_password = 453757e2e8314b0a
- os_tenant_name = admin
- os_auth_url =
- os_region_name =
- os_tenant_id =
- endpoint_type = publicURL
- insecure = False
- service_type = None
- service_name =
- volume_service_name =
- username = None
- apikey =
- projectid =
- url =
- region_name = None
- cacert = None
- # 若干参数的相关验证和处理;
- # 如果所要调用的方法没有标志为unauthenticated,则需要进行参数(权限)的验证操作;
- if not utils.isunauthenticated(args.func):
- if not os_username:
- if not username:
- raise exc.CommandError(
- "You must provide a username "
- "via either --os-username or env[OS_USERNAME]")
- else:
- os_username = username
- if not os_password:
- if not apikey:
- raise exc.CommandError("You must provide a password "
- "via either --os-password or via "
- "env[OS_PASSWORD]")
- else:
- os_password = apikey
- if not (os_tenant_name or os_tenant_id):
- if not projectid:
- raise exc.CommandError("You must provide a tenant_id "
- "via either --os-tenant-id or "
- "env[OS_TENANT_ID]")
- else:
- os_tenant_name = projectid
- if not os_auth_url:
- if not url:
- raise exc.CommandError(
- "You must provide an auth url "
- "via either --os-auth-url or env[OS_AUTH_URL]")
- else:
- os_auth_url = url
- if not os_region_name and region_name:
- os_region_name = region_name
- if not (os_tenant_name or os_tenant_id):
- raise exc.CommandError(
- "You must provide a tenant_id "
- "via either --os-tenant-id or env[OS_TENANT_ID]")
- if not os_auth_url:
- raise exc.CommandError(
- "You must provide an auth url "
- "via either --os-auth-url or env[OS_AUTH_URL]")
上述代码实现的功能是,如果所要调用的方法没有标志为unauthenticated,则需要对方法的执行进行权限相关参数的验证操作; - # 类Client的初始化;
- self.cs = client.Client(options.os_volume_api_version, os_username,
- os_password, os_tenant_name, os_auth_url,
- insecure, region_name=os_region_name,
- tenant_id=os_tenant_id,
- endpoint_type=endpoint_type,
- extensions=self.extensions,
- service_type=service_type,
- service_name=service_name,
- volume_service_name=volume_service_name,
- retries=options.retries,
- http_log_debug=args.debug,
- cacert=cacert)
- # 如果所要调用的方法没有标志为unauthenticated,则需要进行身份验证操作;
- try:
- if not utils.isunauthenticated(args.func):
- self.cs.authenticate()
- except exc.Unauthorized:
- raise exc.CommandError("Invalid OpenStack Cinder credentials.")
- except exc.AuthorizationFailure:
- raise exc.CommandError("Unable to authorize user")
- # 实现调用相关方法对Volume API的版本进行验证操作;
- endpoint_api_version = None
- # Try to get the API version from the endpoint URL. If that fails fall
- # back to trying to use what the user specified via
- # --os-volume-api-version or with the OS_VOLUME_API_VERSION environment
- # variable. Fail safe is to use the default API setting.
- try:
- endpoint_api_version = \
- self.cs.get_volume_api_version_from_endpoint()
- if endpoint_api_version != options.os_volume_api_version:
- msg = (("Volume API version is set to %s "
- "but you are accessing a %s endpoint. "
- "Change its value via either --os-volume-api-version "
- % (options.os_volume_api_version, endpoint_api_version))
- raise exc.InvalidAPIVersion(msg)
- except exc.UnsupportedVersion:
- endpoint_api_version = options.os_volume_api_version
- if api_version_input:
- logger.warning("Unable to determine the API version via "
- "endpoint URL. Falling back to user "
- "specified version: %s" %
- endpoint_api_version)
- else:
- logger.warning("Unable to determine the API version from "
- "endpoint URL or user input. Falling back to "
- "default API version: %s" %
- endpoint_api_version)
在方法mian的最后,语句args.func(self.cs, args)实现根据解析的命令行参数调用具体的方法,输出示例为args.func = do_list,说明这里调用的具体方法是do_list;