本帖最后由 desehawk 于 2015-1-6 13:07 编辑
1.cloudera 的配置文件路径默认在什么位置?
2.如何通过cloudera manager web UI修改配置文件?
Hadoop: /etc/hadoop/conf
hbase: /etc/hadoop/conf
hive: /etc/hive/conf
使用cloudera manager web UI 修改hadoop .xml文件属性方法:
For Cloudera the best way to push this configuration to the nodes is to use the Cloudera manager GUI.
From the Cloudera web page, click on the HDFS service under Status to open the HDFS service. | Click Configuration, and choose View and Edit | On the left panel expand Service-Wide and click advance | Click on Cluster-wide Configuration Safety Valve for core-site.xml Enter the setting from Table above |
Settings entered into core-site safety valve | At the top right of the page, Click Save Changes | Go back to the Cloudera Manager Home screen. Using the drop down stop the HDFS service. | Using the drop down next to the Status, deploy the client configuration | g Using the drop down, restart the Mapreduce service.
Check that the nodes have received the correct configuration. From the CLI on a node do a grep on the core-site.xml and search for HSK cat /etc/hadoop/conf.cloudera.hdfs1/core-site.xml |grep HSK |
Next Upload the Java ViPR client JAR file to a client using WinSCP and copy it to the Hadoop Classpath on all Hadoop nodes.
On the first node where you have uploaded the ViPr client copy it to the Cloudera Classpath cp hadoop-2.0.x-alpha-viprfs-1.0.1.jar /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-4.5.0-1.cdh4.5.0.p0.30/lib/hadoop/lib
Copy it to all the other nodes in your cluster using the scp command. Do this for all hosts.
Validate that the connection is working with a hadoop list command. First using the ViPR URL then just a normal Hadoop list:
修改Hive配置文件路径的方法: hive1->configuration->view and edit->default->HiveServer2->Advanced
如果想对hive-site.xml的修改存储在Cloudera Manager,则可通过上面的方法选择Hive Service Configuration Safety Valve for hive-site.xml来添加属性。
如果想要将所添加的属性,出现在服务器的/etc/hive/conf/hive-site.xml文件中,则可以hive1->configuration->view and edit->default->Gateway->Advanced->Hive Client Configuration Safety Valve for hive-site.xml
Be sure to restart Hive, restart any dependent services (Hue and Impala), and deploy client configs after making a configuration change.