1.E0505问题: hdfs://xxxx:8020/XXXXXX 不存在
2.Error: E1003 : E1003: Invalid coordinator application attributes, Coordinator job with frequency [2] minutes is faster than allowed maximum of 5 minutes
因为cdh oozie-site.xml 文件中
Whether to enable checking maximum frequency of coordinator job (default is 5 minutes).
配置为 'true',要设置为'false',若还不行的话,要将时区oozie.processing.timezone设置为 'GMT+0800',
这个属性在oozie-default.xml中,因为cdh中oozie 服务加载的是oozie-site.xml文件,所以要将
Oozie server timezone. Valid values are UTC and GMT(+/-)####, for example 'GMT+0530' would be India
timezone. All dates parsed and genered dates by Oozie Coordinator/Bundle will be done in the specified
timezone. The default value of 'UTC' should not be changed under normal circumtances. If for any reason
is changed, note that GMT(+/-)#### timezones do not observe DST changes.
最后重启 oozie 服务
service oozie restart,然后就可以正常使用了。 |