1、Lazy Evaluation
All Flink programs are executed lazily: When the program’s main method is executed, the data loading and transformations do not happen directly. Rather, each operation is created and added to the program’s plan. The operations are actually executed when the execution is explicitly triggered by an execute() call on the execution environment. Whether the program is executed locally or on a cluster depends on the type of execution environment The lazy evaluation lets you construct sophisticated programs that Flink executes as one holistically planned unit.
2、Specifying Keys
Some transformations (join, coGroup, keyBy, groupBy) require that a key be defined on a collection of elements. Other transformations (Reduce, GroupReduce, Aggregate, Windows) allow data being grouped on a key before they are applied.
(2)Execution Environment Level 执行环境的并发
6、Iteration Operators
7、Broadcast Variables和Distributed Cache