// Query 1: Total votes by product_category, for 6 months
def runQuery1(tableName: String) = {
// Query 1: Total votes by product_category, for 6 months
spark.sql(s"SELECT sum(total_votes), product_category FROM $tableName WHERE review_date > '2013-12-15' AND review_date < '2014-06-01' GROUP BY product_category").show()
// Query 2: Average star rating by product_id, for some product
def runQuery2(tableName: String) = {
spark.sql(s"SELECT avg(star_rating), product_id FROM $tableName WHERE product_id in ('B0184XC75U') GROUP BY product_id").show()
// Query 3: Count number of reviews by customer_id for some 5 customers
def runQuery3(tableName: String) = {
spark.sql(s"SELECT count(*) as num_reviews, customer_id FROM $tableName WHERE customer_id in ('53096570','10046284','53096576','10000196','21700145') GROUP BY customer_id").show()
// Query 1: Is a "wide" query and hence it's expected to touch a lot of files
scala> runQuery1(rawSnapshotTableName)
|sum(total_votes)| product_category|
| 1050944| PC|
| 867794| Kitchen|
| 1167489| Home|
| 927531| Wireless|
| 6861| Video|
| 39602| Digital_Video_Games|
| 954924|Digital_Video_Dow...|
| 81876| Luggage|
| 320536| Video_Games|
| 817679| Sports|
| 11451| Mobile_Electronics|
| 228739| Home_Entertainment|
| 3769269|Digital_Ebook_Pur...|
| 252273| Baby|
| 735042| Apparel|
| 49101| Major_Appliances|
| 484732| Grocery|
| 285682| Tools|
| 459980| Electronics|
| 454258| Outdoors|
only showing top 20 rows
scala> runQuery1(dataSkippingSnapshotTableName)
|sum(total_votes)| product_category|
| 1050944| PC|
| 867794| Kitchen|
| 1167489| Home|
| 927531| Wireless|
| 6861| Video|
| 39602| Digital_Video_Games|
| 954924|Digital_Video_Dow...|
| 81876| Luggage|
| 320536| Video_Games|
| 817679| Sports|
| 11451| Mobile_Electronics|
| 228739| Home_Entertainment|
| 3769269|Digital_Ebook_Pur...|
| 252273| Baby|
| 735042| Apparel|
| 49101| Major_Appliances|
| 484732| Grocery|
| 285682| Tools|
| 459980| Electronics|
| 454258| Outdoors|
only showing top 20 rows
// Query 2: Is a "pointwise" query and hence it's expected that data-skipping should substantially reduce number
// of files scanned (as compared to Baseline)
// NOTE: That Linear Ordering (as compared to Space-curve based on) will have similar effect on performance reducing
// total # of Parquet files scanned, since we're querying on the prefix of the ordering key
scala> runQuery2(rawSnapshotTableName)
| 1.0|B0184XC75U|
scala> runQuery2(dataSkippingSnapshotTableName)
| 1.0|B0184XC75U|
// Query 3: Similar to Q2, is a "pointwise" query, but querying other part of the ordering-key (product_id, customer_id)
// and hence it's expected that data-skipping should substantially reduce number of files scanned (as compared to Baseline, Linear Ordering).
// NOTE: That Linear Ordering (as compared to Space-curve based on) will _NOT_ have similar effect on performance reducing
// total # of Parquet files scanned, since we're NOT querying on the prefix of the ordering key