与其他 OpenAI 产品一样,有一个 API 可以访问这些语音识别服务,允许开发人员和数据科学家将 Whisper 集成到他们的平台和应用程序中。
如何访问 Whisper API?
在继续之前,需要执行几个步骤才能访问 Whisper API。首先,登录OpenAI API 网站。如果还没有帐户,则需要创建它。输入后,单击用户名,然后按“查看 API 密钥”选项。然后,单击“创建新的 API 密钥”按钮并将新创建的 API 密钥复制到您的 Python 代码中。
使用 Whisper API 转录
首先,让我们下载一段 Kevin Stratvert 的 youtube 视频,Kevin Stratvert 是一位非常受欢迎的 YouTuber,通过 Power BI、视频编辑和 AI 产品等学习工具帮助来自世界各地的学生掌握技术和提高技能。例如,假设我们想要转录视频“3 Mind-blowing AI Tools”。
Hi everyone, Kevin here. Today, we're going to look at five different tools that leverage artificial intelligence in some truly incredible ways. Here for instance, I can change my voice in real time. I can also highlight an area of a photo and I can make that just automatically disappear. Uh, where'd my son go? I can also give the computer instructions, like, I don't know, write a song for the Kevin cookie company....
We also see some graphs in a statistical style, so we should also understand how to read them. One is the box plot, which allows to see the distribution in terms of median, first quarter and third quarter. Now I'm going to tell you what it means. We always take the data from the data frame. X is the season. On Y we put the count of the bikes that are rented. And then I want to distinguish these box plots based on whether it is a holiday day or not. This graph comes out. How do you read this? Here on the X there is the season, coded in numerical terms. In blue we have the non-holiday days, in orange the holidays. And here is the count of the bikes. What are these rectangles? Take this box here. I'm turning it around with the mouse....