[ol]/** * Event to record successful task completion * */@InterfaceAudience.Private@InterfaceStability.Unstablepublic class TaskAttemptFinishedEvent implements HistoryEvent { private TaskAttemptFinished datum = new TaskAttemptFinished(); /** * Create an event to record successful finishes for setup and cleanup * attempts * @param id Attempt ID * @param taskType Type of task * @param taskStatus Status of task * @param finishTime Finish time of attempt * @param hostname Host where the attempt executed * @param state State string * @param counters Counters for the attempt */ public TaskAttemptFinishedEvent(TaskAttemptID id, TaskType taskType, String taskStatus, long finishTime, String hostname, String state, Counters counters) { datum.taskid = new Utf8(id.getTaskID().toString()); datum.attemptId = new Utf8(id.toString()); datum.taskType = new Utf8(taskType.name()); datum.taskStatus = new Utf8(taskStatus); datum.finishTime = finishTime; datum.hostname = new Utf8(hostname); datum.state = new Utf8(state); datum.counters = EventWriter.toAvro(counters); } TaskAttemptFinishedEvent() {} public Object getDatum() { return datum; } public void setDatum(Object datum) { this.datum = (TaskAttemptFinished)datum; } /** Get the task ID */ public TaskID getTaskId() { return TaskID.forName(datum.taskid.toString()); } /** Get the task attempt id */ public TaskAttemptID getAttemptId() { return TaskAttemptID.forName(datum.attemptId.toString()); } /** Get the task type */ public TaskType getTaskType() { return TaskType.valueOf(datum.taskType.toString()); } /** Get the task status */ public String getTaskStatus() { return datum.taskStatus.toString(); } /** Get the attempt finish time */ public long getFinishTime() { return datum.finishTime; } /** Get the host where the attempt executed */ public String getHostname() { return datum.hostname.toString(); } /** Get the state string */ public String getState() { return datum.state.toString(); } /** Get the counters for the attempt */ Counters getCounters() { return EventReader.fromAvro(datum.counters); } /** Get the event type */ public EventType getEventType() { // Note that the task type can be setup/map/reduce/cleanup but the // attempt-type can only be map/reduce. return getTaskId().getTaskType() == TaskType.MAP ? EventType.MAP_ATTEMPT_FINISHED : EventType.REDUCE_ATTEMPT_FINISHED; }}[/ol]复制代码 |