

guofeng 发表于 2013-12-16 21:23:04 [显示全部楼层] 回帖奖励 阅读模式 关闭右栏 0 8807
本帖最后由 guofeng 于 2013-12-16 21:51 编辑

  • 打开http://www.cloudfoundry.com
  • 点击 Free Sign Up for Cloud Foundry
  • 输入你的email地址,填写认证码,搞定如果申请成功,vmware会稍后给你的邮箱中发送一份邮件,注意这个不是即时的。所以如果没有当场收到邮件,请不要着急。
    1. Thank you for your interest in Cloud Foundry - the industry's first open platform as a service.
    2. We have approved your request for a Cloud Foundry account.
    3. Your credentials are listed below.
    4.   Email: *************
    5.   Temporary password: *************
    6. These credentials enable you to deploy applications to CloudFoundry.com and download your Micro Cloud Foundry
    7. To start using CloudFoundry.com you should first download the vmc command line tool and change your password. To learn how to download and use this tool please follow the instructions here:
    8. http://docs.cloudfoundry.com/tools/vmc/installing-vmc.html
    9. Once you have reset your password you can start deploying and managing applications on the CloudFoundry.com service. You can use the vmc command line tool for applications in all of our supported languages and frameworks.
    10. To download your Micro Cloud Cloud Foundry, please follow the link here:
    11. https://my.cloudfoundry.com/micro
    12. Developers interested in Spring and Java may also use the SpringSource Eclipse-based IDE, STS. To start using Cloud Foundry with STS please follow the instructions here:
    13. http://docs.cloudfoundry.com/tools/STS/configuring-STS.html
    14. Be sure to visit our community site at http://support.cloudfoundry.com where you can search the knowledge base, ask questions and submit ideas. Note that the community site requires a separate registration.
    15. Happy Clouding,
    16. The Cloud Foundry team

使用cloudfoundry的链接,目前有两种方式,通用的vmc,和针对Spring/java用户的SpringSource IDE, STS.VMC
  安装VMC 详细地址  http://docs.cloudfoundry.com/tools/vmc/installing-vmc.html
  • 以windows平台为例,从http://www.rubyinstaller.org/downloads/ 下载到最新的ruby版本,直接安装。安装过程中请选择加入到系统的path路径中。
  • 然后打开命令行,执行
  • gem install vmc
  • 来安装vmc工具。
  • vmc target api.cloudfoundry.com 响应为: Succesfully targeted to [http://api.cloudfoundry.com]
  • vmc login输入收到邮件中用户名和密码 响应为: Successfully logged into [http://api.cloudfoundry.com]
  • vmc passwd(可选)修改密码为自己容易记住的密码
  • vmc help列出vmc所有的命令行


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