本帖最后由 pig2 于 2014-1-3 02:58 编辑
适应版本:E 使用方法: 如下图所示,若要分配指定的floatingIP,可在里输入指定IP;若不要分配指定的floating IP,“IP地址”栏为空,直接点“分配IP”按钮。
1./usr/share/pyshared/horizon/dashboards/nova/access_and_security/floating_ips/forms.py:FloatingIpAllocate中添加一个变量address,address从horizon的页面上接受用户输入的floating ip的值;并在api函数中添加该变量。
- class FloatingIpAllocate(forms.SelfHandlingForm):
- tenant_name = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput())
- pool = forms.ChoiceField(label=_("Pool"))
- address = forms.CharField(required=False,label=_("IP Address"))
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super(FloatingIpAllocate, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- floating_pool_list = kwargs.get('initial', {}).get('pool_list', [])
- self.fields['pool'].choices = floating_pool_list
- #self.fields['address'].choices = None
- def handle(self, request, data):
- try:
- fip = api.tenant_floating_ip_allocate(request,
- pool=data.get('pool', None),address=data.get('address',None))
- LOG.info('Allocating Floating IP "%s" to project "%s"'
- % (fip.ip, data['tenant_name']))
- messages.success(request,
- _('Successfully allocated Floating IP "%(ip)s" '
- 'to project "%(project)s"')
- % {"ip": fip.ip, "project": data['tenant_name']})
- except:
- exceptions.handle(request, _('Unable to allocate Floating IP.'))
- return shortcuts.redirect(
- 'horizon:nova:access_and_security:index')
2. /usr/share/pyshared/horizon/api/nova.py添加address变量 - def tenant_floating_ip_allocate(request, pool=None, address=None):
- """Allocates a floating ip to tenant. Optionally you may provide a pool
- for which you would like the IP.
- """
- """
- return novaclient(request).floating_ips.create(pool=pool,address=address)
添加address变量 - def create(self, pool=None, address=None):
- """
- Create (allocate) a floating ip for a tenant
- """
- return self._create("/os-floating-ips", {'pool': pool,'address':address}, "floating_ip")
4./usr/share/pyshared/nova/api/openstack/compute/contrib/floating_ips.py:FloatIPController.create()添加address变量 - def create(self, req, body=None):
- context = req.environ['nova.context']
- authorize(context)
- pool = None
- address_your= None
- if body and 'pool' in body:
- pool = body['pool']
- if body and 'address' in body:
- address_your = body['address']
- LOG.debug(_('ozg.debug xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx address = %s'), address_your)
- try:
- address = self.network_api.allocate_floating_ip(context, pool, address_your)
- ip = self.network_api.get_floating_ip_by_address(context, address)
- except rpc_common.RemoteError as ex:
- # NOTE(tr3buchet) - why does this block exist?
- if ex.exc_type == 'NoMoreFloatingIps':
- if pool:
- msg = _("No more floating ips in pool %s.") % pool
- else:
- msg = _("No more floating ips available.")
- raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg)
- else:
- raise
- return _translate_floating_ip_view(ip)
5. /usr/share/pyshared/nova/network/api.py.allocate_floating_ip()添加address变量
- def allocate_floating_ip(self, context, pool=None, address_your=None):
- """Adds a floating ip to a project from a pool. (allocates)"""
- # NOTE(vish): We don't know which network host should get the ip
- # when we allocate, so just send it to any one. This
- # will probably need to move into a network supervisor
- # at some point.
- # ozg
- LOG.debug(_("ozg.debug xxxxxxx rpc.call!!!"))
- return rpc.call(context,
- FLAGS.network_topic,
- {'method': 'allocate_floating_ip',
- 'args': {'project_id': context.project_id,
- 'pool': pool,
- 'address_your': address_your}})
6. /usr/share/pyshared/nova/network/manager.py.allocate_floating_ip()添加address变量
- @wrap_check_policy
- def allocate_floating_ip(self, context, project_id, pool=None, address_your=None):
- """Gets a floating ip from the pool."""
- # NOTE(tr3buchet): all network hosts in zone now use the same pool
- LOG.debug("QUOTA: %s" % quota.allowed_floating_ips(context, 1))
- if quota.allowed_floating_ips(context, 1) < 1:
- LOG.warn(_('Quota exceeded for %s, tried to allocate address'),
- context.project_id)
- raise exception.QuotaError(code='AddressLimitExceeded')
- pool = pool or FLAGS.default_floating_pool
- LOG.debug(_('ozg.debug network manager accept the messages xxxxxxxxxxxxx, address_your = %s'), address_your)
- return self.db.floating_ip_allocate_address(context,
- project_id,
- pool,
- address_your)
7. /usr/share/pyshared/nova/db/api.py. floating_ip_allocate_address()添加address变量
- def floating_ip_allocate_address (context, project_id, pool, address_your=None):
- """Allocate free floating ip from specified pool and return the address.
- Raises if one is not available.
- ozg add address_your
- """
- return IMPL.floating_ip_allocate_address(context, project_id, pool, address_your)
8./usr/share/pyshared/nova/db/sqlalchemy/api.py将floating_ip_allocate_address函数改为如下: - @require_context
- def floating_ip_allocate_address(context, project_id, pool, address_your):
- authorize_project_context(context, project_id)
- session = get_session()
- LOG.debug(_("ozg.debug xxxxxxx db.sql... address_your = %s"), address_your)
- with session.begin():
- if not address_your:
- floating_ip_ref = model_query(context, models.FloatingIp,
- session=session, read_deleted="no").\
- filter_by(fixed_ip_id=None).\
- filter_by(project_id=None).\
- filter_by(pool=pool).\
- with_lockmode('update').\
- first()
- else:
- floating_ip_ref = model_query(context, models.FloatingIp,
- session=session, read_deleted="no").\
- filter_by(fixed_ip_id=None).\
- filter_by(project_id=None).\
- filter_by(pool=pool).\
- filter_by(address=address_your).\
- with_lockmode('update').\
- first()
- # NOTE(vish): if with_lockmode isn't supported, as in sqlite,
- # then this has concurrency issues
- if not floating_ip_ref:
- raise exception.NoMoreFloatingIps()
- floating_ip_ref['project_id'] = project_id
- session.add(floating_ip_ref)
- return floating_ip_ref['address']