8.复制三份,分别写入DataNode 1, 2, 3的过程是什么?
HDFS一个文件由多个block构成。HDFS在进行block读写的时候是以packet(默认每个packet为64K)为单位进行的。每一个packet由若干个chunk(默认512Byte)组成。Chunk是进行数据校验的基本单位,对每一个chunk生成一个校验和(默认4Byte)并将校验和进行存储。 在写入一个block的时候,数据传输的基本单位是packet,每个packet由若干个chunk组成。
- FileSystem hdfs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration());
- Path path = new Path("/testfile");
- // writing
- FSDataOutputStream dos = hdfs.create(path);
- byte[] readBuf = "Hello World".getBytes("UTF-8");
- dos.write(readBuf, 0, readBuf.length);
- dos.close();
- hdfs.close();
文件的打开上传一个文件到hdfs,一般会调用DistributedFileSystem.create,其实现如下: - public FSDataOutputStream create(Path f, FsPermission permission,boolean overwrite,int bufferSize, short replication, long blockSize,Progressable progress) throws IOException {
- return new FSDataOutputStream
- (dfs.create(getPathName(f), permission,overwrite, replication, blockSize, progress, bufferSize),
- statistics);
- }
其最终生成一个FSDataOutputStream用于向新生成的文件中写入数据。其成员变量dfs的类型为DFSClient,DFSClient的create函数如下: - public OutputStream create(String src,FsPermission permission,boolean overwrite,short replication,long blockSize,Progressable progress,int buffersize) throws IOException {
- checkOpen();
- if (permission == null) {
- permission = FsPermission.getDefault();
- }
- FsPermission masked = permission.applyUMask(FsPermission.getUMask(conf));
- OutputStream result = new DFSOutputStream(src, masked,overwrite, replication, blockSize, progress, buffersize,
- conf.getInt("io.bytes.per.checksum", 512));
- leasechecker.put(src, result);
- return result;
- }
当然,构造函数中还做了一件重要的事情,就是streamer.start(),也即启动了一个pipeline,用于写数据,在写入数据的过程中,我们会仔细分析。 - DFSOutputStream(String src, FsPermission masked, boolean overwrite,short replication, long blockSize, Progressable progress,
- int buffersize, int bytesPerChecksum) throws IOException {
- this(src, blockSize, progress, bytesPerChecksum);
- computePacketChunkSize(writePacketSize, bytesPerChecksum);
- try {
- namenode.create(src, masked, clientName, overwrite, replication, blockSize);
- } catch(RemoteException re) {
- throw re.unwrapRemoteException(AccessControlException.class,QuotaExceededException.class);
- }
- streamer.start();
- }
通过rpc调用NameNode的create函数,调用namesystem.startFile函数,其又调用startFileInternal函数,它创建一个新的文件,状态为under construction,没有任何data block与之对应。
dfsclient文件的写入下面轮到客户端向新创建的文件中写入数据了,一般会使用FSDataOutputStream的write方法: 按照hdfs的设计,对block的数据写入使用的是pipeline的方式,也即将数据分成一个个的package,如果需要复制三分,分别写入DataNode 1, 2, 3,则会进行如下的过程: - 首先将package 1写入DataNode 1
- 然后由DataNode 1负责将package 1写入DataNode 2,同时客户端可以将pacage 2写入DataNode 1
- 然后DataNode 2负责将package 1写入DataNode 3, 同时客户端可以讲package 3写入DataNode 1,DataNode 1将package 2写入DataNode 2
- 就这样将一个个package排着队的传递下去,直到所有的数据全部写入并复制完毕
FSDataOutputStream的write方法会调用DFSOutputStream的write方法,而DFSOutputStream继承自FSOutputSummer,所以实际上是调用FSOutputSummer的write方法,如下: - public synchronized void write(byte b[], int off, int len)
- throws IOException {
- //参数检查
- for (int n=0;n<len;n+=write1(b, off+n, len-n)) {
- }
- }
FSOutputSummer的write1的方法如下: - private int write1(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException {
- if(count==0 && len>=buf.length) {
- // buf初始化的大小是chunk的大小,默认是512,这里的代码会在写入的数据的剩余内容大于或等于一个chunk的大小时调用
- // 这里避免多余一次复制
- final int length = buf.length;
- sum.update(b, off, length);//length是一个完整chunk的大小,默认是512,这里根据一个chunk内容计算校验和
- writeChecksumChunk(b, off, length, false);
- return length;
- }
- // buf初始化的大小是chunk的大小,默认是512,这里的代码会在写入的数据的剩余内容小于一个chunk的大小时调用
- // 规避了数组越界问题
- int bytesToCopy = buf.length-count;
- bytesToCopy = (len<bytesToCopy) ? len : bytesToCopy;
- sum.update(b, off, bytesToCopy);//bytesToCopy不足一个chunk,是写入的内容的最后一个chunk的剩余字节数目
- System.arraycopy(b, off, buf, count, bytesToCopy);
- count += bytesToCopy;
- if (count == buf.length) {//如果不足一个chunk,就缓存到本地buffer,如果还有下一次写入,就填充这个chunk,满一个chunk再flush,count清0
- // local buffer is full
- flushBuffer();//最终调用writeChecksumChunk方法实现
- }
- return bytesToCopy;
- }
writeChecksumChunk的实现如下: - //写入一个chunk的数据长度(默认512),忽略len的长度
- private void writeChecksumChunk(byte b[], int off, int len, boolean keep)
- throws IOException {
- int tempChecksum = (int)sum.getValue();
- if (!keep) {
- sum.reset();
- }
- int2byte(tempChecksum, checksum);//把当前chunk的校验和从int转换为字节
- writeChunk(b, off, len, checksum);
- }
writeChunk由子类DFSOutputStream实现,如下: - protected synchronized void writeChunk(byte[] b, int offset, int len, byte[] checksum)throws IOException {
- //创建一个package,并写入数据
- currentPacket = new Packet(packetSize, chunksPerPacket,bytesCurBlock);
- currentPacket.writeChecksum(checksum, 0, cklen);
- currentPacket.writeData(b, offset, len);
- currentPacket.numChunks++;
- bytesCurBlock += len;
- //如果此package已满,则放入队列中准备发送
- if (currentPacket.numChunks == currentPacket.maxChunks ||bytesCurBlock == blockSize) {
- ......
- dataQueue.addLast(currentPacket);
- //唤醒等待dataqueue的传输线程,也即DataStreamer
- dataQueue.notifyAll();
- currentPacket = null;
- ......
- }
- }
writeChunk比较简单,就是把数据填充packet,填充完毕,就放到dataQueue,再唤醒DataStreamer。 DataStreamer完成了数据的传输,DataStreamer的run函数如下: - public void run() {
- while (!closed && clientRunning) {
- Packet one = null;
- synchronized (dataQueue) {
- boolean doSleep = processDatanodeError(hasError, false);//如果ack出错,则处理IO错误
- //如果队列中没有package,则等待
- while ((!closed && !hasError && clientRunning && dataQueue.size() == 0) || doSleep) {
- try {
- dataQueue.wait(1000);
- } catch (InterruptedException e) {
- }
- doSleep = false;
- }
- try {
- //得到队列中的第一个package
- one = dataQueue.getFirst();
- long offsetInBlock = one.offsetInBlock;
- //由NameNode分配block,并生成一个写入流指向此block
- if (blockStream == null) {
- nodes = nextBlockOutputStream(src);
- response = new ResponseProcessor(nodes);
- response.start();
- }
- ByteBuffer buf = one.getBuffer();
- //将packet从dataQueue移至ackQueue,等待确认
- dataQueue.removeFirst();
- dataQueue.notifyAll();
- synchronized (ackQueue) {
- ackQueue.addLast(one);
- ackQueue.notifyAll();
- }
- //利用生成的写入流将数据写入DataNode中的block
- blockStream.write(buf.array(), buf.position(), buf.remaining());
- if (one.lastPacketInBlock) {
- blockStream.writeInt(0); //表示此block写入完毕
- }
- blockStream.flush();
- } catch (Throwable e) {
- }
- if (one.lastPacketInBlock) {
- //数据块写满,做一些清理工作,下次再申请块
- response.close(); // ignore all errors in Response
- synchronized (dataQueue) {
- IOUtils.cleanup(LOG, blockStream, blockReplyStream);
- nodes = null;
- response = null;
- blockStream = null;//设置为null,下次就会判断blockStream为null,申请新的块
- blockReplyStream = null;
- }
- }
- }
- ......
- }
DataStreamer线程负责把准备好的数据packet,顺序写入到DataNode,未确认写入成功的packet则移动到ackQueue,等待确认。 DataStreamer线程传输数据到DataNode时,要向namenode申请数据块,方法是nextBlockOutputStream,再调用locateFollowingBlock,通过RPC调用namenode.addBlock(src, clientName),在NameNode分配了DataNode和block以后,createBlockOutputStream开始写入数据。 客户端在DataStreamer的run函数中创建了写入流后,调用blockStream.write将packet写入DataNode
DataStreamer还会启动ResponseProcessor线程,它负责接收datanode的ack,当接收到所有datanode对一个packet确认成功的ack,ResponseProcessor从ackQueue中删除相应的packet。在出错时,从ackQueue中移除packet到dataQueue,移除失败的datanode,恢复数据块,建立新的pipeline。实现如下: - public void run() {
- ...
- PipelineAck ack = new PipelineAck();
- while (!closed && clientRunning && !lastPacketInBlock) {
- try {
- // read an ack from the pipeline
- ack.readFields(blockReplyStream);
- ...
- //处理所有DataNode响应的状态
- for (int i = ack.getNumOfReplies()-1; i >=0 && clientRunning; i--) {
- short reply = ack.getReply(i);
- if (reply != DataTransferProtocol.OP_STATUS_SUCCESS) {//ack验证,如果DataNode写入packet失败,则出错
- errorIndex = i; //记录损坏的DataNode,会在processDatanodeError方法移除该失败的DataNode
- throw new IOException("Bad response " + reply + " for block " + block + " from datanode " + targets[i].getName());
- }
- }
- long seqno = ack.getSeqno();
- if (seqno == Packet.HEART_BEAT_SEQNO) { // 心跳ack,忽略
- continue;
- }
- Packet one = null;
- synchronized (ackQueue) {
- one = ackQueue.getFirst();
- }
- ...
- synchronized (ackQueue) {
- assert ack.getSeqno() == lastAckedSeqno + 1;//验证ack
- lastAckedSeqno = ack.getSeqno();
- ackQueue.removeFirst();//移除确认写入成功的packet
- ackQueue.notifyAll();
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- if (!closed) {
- hasError = true;//设置ack错误,让
- ...
- closed = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
当ResponseProcessor在确认packet失败时,processDatanodeError方法用于处理datanode的错误,当调用返回后需要休眠一段时间时,返回true。下面是其简单的处理流程: 1.关闭blockStream和blockReplyStream
6.创建块输出流,如果不成功,转到3 - private boolean processDatanodeError(boolean hasError, boolean isAppend) {
- if (!hasError) {//DataNode没有发生错误,直接返回
- return false;
- }
- //将未确认写入成功的packets从ack queue移动到data queue的前面
- synchronized (ackQueue) {
- dataQueue.addAll(0, ackQueue);
- ackQueue.clear();
- }
- boolean success = false;
- while (!success && clientRunning) {
- DatanodeInfo[] newnodes = null;
- //根据errorIndex确定失败的DataNode,从所有的DataNode nodes移除失败的DataNode,复制到newnodes
- // 通知primary datanode做数据块恢复,更新合适的时间戳
- LocatedBlock newBlock = null;
- ClientDatanodeProtocol primary = null;
- DatanodeInfo primaryNode = null;
- try {
- // Pick the "least" datanode as the primary datanode to avoid deadlock.
- primaryNode = Collections.min(Arrays.asList(newnodes));
- primary = createClientDatanodeProtocolProxy(primaryNode, conf, block, accessToken, socketTimeout);
- newBlock = primary.recoverBlock(block, isAppend, newnodes);//恢复数据块
- } catch (IOException e) {
- //循环创建块输出流,如果不成功,移除失败的DataNode
- return true; // 需要休眠
- } finally {
- RPC.stopProxy(primary);
- }
- recoveryErrorCount = 0; // 数据块恢复成功
- block = newBlock.getBlock();
- accessToken = newBlock.getBlockToken();
- nodes = newBlock.getLocations();
- this.hasError = false;
- lastException = null;
- errorIndex = 0;
- success = createBlockOutputStream(nodes, clientName, true);
- }
- response = new ResponseProcessor(nodes);
- response.start();//启动ResponseProcessor做ack确认处理
- return false; // 不休眠,继续处理
- }
总结 hdfs文件的写入是比较复杂的,所以本文重点介绍了dfsclient端的处理逻辑,对namenode和datanode的响应,以后在做分析。
来自群组: Hadoop技术组 |