3、flume的所有组件均实现自什么 接口?
- @Subscribe
- public synchronized void handleConfigurationEvent(MaterializedConfiguration conf) {
- stopAllComponents();
- startAllComponents(conf);
- }
MaterializedConfiguration conf就是getConfiguration()方法获取的配置信息,是SimpleMaterializedConfiguration的一个实例。
handleConfigurationEvent方法在前面章节(一)中有过大致分析,包括:stopAllComponents()和startAllComponents(conf)。Application中的materializedConfiguration就是MaterializedConfiguration conf,stopAllComponents()方法中的materializedConfiguration是旧的配置信息,需要先停掉旧的组件,然后startAllComponents(conf)将新的配置信息赋给materializedConfiguration并依次启动各个组件。
- private void startAllComponents(MaterializedConfiguration materializedConfiguration) {//启动所有组件最基本的三大组件
- logger.info("Starting new configuration:{}", materializedConfiguration);
- this.materializedConfiguration = materializedConfiguration;
- for (Entry<String, Channel> entry :
- materializedConfiguration.getChannels().entrySet()) {
- try{
- logger.info("Starting Channel " + entry.getKey());
- supervisor.supervise(entry.getValue(),
- new SupervisorPolicy.AlwaysRestartPolicy(), LifecycleState.START);
- } catch (Exception e){
- logger.error("Error while starting {}", entry.getValue(), e);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Wait for all channels to start.等待所有channel启动完毕
- */
- for(Channel ch: materializedConfiguration.getChannels().values()){
- while(ch.getLifecycleState() != LifecycleState.START
- && !supervisor.isComponentInErrorState(ch)){
- try {
- logger.info("Waiting for channel: " + ch.getName() +
- " to start. Sleeping for 500 ms");
- Thread.sleep(500);
- } catch (InterruptedException e) {
- logger.error("Interrupted while waiting for channel to start.", e);
- Throwables.propagate(e);
- }
- }
- }
- for (Entry<String, SinkRunner> entry : materializedConfiguration.getSinkRunners()
- .entrySet()) { //启动所有sink
- try{
- logger.info("Starting Sink " + entry.getKey());
- supervisor.supervise(entry.getValue(),
- new SupervisorPolicy.AlwaysRestartPolicy(), LifecycleState.START);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logger.error("Error while starting {}", entry.getValue(), e);
- }
- }
- for (Entry<String, SourceRunner> entry : materializedConfiguration
- .getSourceRunners().entrySet()) {//启动所有source
- try{
- logger.info("Starting Source " + entry.getKey());
- supervisor.supervise(entry.getValue(),
- new SupervisorPolicy.AlwaysRestartPolicy(), LifecycleState.START);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logger.error("Error while starting {}", entry.getValue(), e);
- }
- }
- this.loadMonitoring();
- }
三大组件都是通过supervisor.supervise(entry.getValue(),new SupervisorPolicy.AlwaysRestartPolicy(), LifecycleState.START)启动的,其中,channel启动之后还要待所有的channel完全启动完毕之后才可再去启动sink和source。如果channel没有启动完毕就去启动另外俩组件,会出现错误,以为一旦sink或者source建立完毕就会立即与channel通信获取数据。稍后会分别分析sink和source的启动。
- public LifecycleSupervisor() {
- lifecycleState = LifecycleState.IDLE;
- supervisedProcesses = new HashMap<LifecycleAware, Supervisoree>();//存储所有历史上的组件及其监控信息
- monitorFutures = new HashMap<LifecycleAware, ScheduledFuture<?>>();
- monitorService = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(10,
- new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat(
- "lifecycleSupervisor-" + Thread.currentThread().getId() + "-%d")
- .build());
- monitorService.setMaximumPoolSize(20);
- monitorService.setKeepAliveTime(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
- purger = new Purger();
- needToPurge = false;
- }
supervise(LifecycleAware lifecycleAware,SupervisorPolicy policy, LifecycleState desiredState)方法则是具体执行启动各个组件的方法。flume的所有组件均实现自LifecycleAware 接口,如图:,这个接口就三个方法getLifecycleState(返回组件运行状态)、start(组件启动)、stop(停止组件)。supervise方法代码如下:
- public synchronized void supervise(LifecycleAware lifecycleAware,
- SupervisorPolicy policy, LifecycleState desiredState) {
- //检查线程池状态
- if(this.monitorService.isShutdown()
- || this.monitorService.isTerminated()
- || this.monitorService.isTerminating()){
- throw new FlumeException("Supervise called on " + lifecycleAware + " " +
- "after shutdown has been initiated. " + lifecycleAware + " will not" +
- " be started");
- }
- //如果该组件已经在监控,则拒绝二次监控
- Preconditions.checkState(!supervisedProcesses.containsKey(lifecycleAware),
- "Refusing to supervise " + lifecycleAware + " more than once");
- if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
- logger.debug("Supervising service:{} policy:{} desiredState:{}",
- new Object[] { lifecycleAware, policy, desiredState });
- }
- //新的组件
- Supervisoree process = new Supervisoree();
- process.status = new Status();
- process.policy = policy;
- process.status.desiredState = desiredState;
- process.status.error = false;
- MonitorRunnable monitorRunnable = new MonitorRunnable();
- monitorRunnable.lifecycleAware = lifecycleAware;//组件
- monitorRunnable.supervisoree = process;
- monitorRunnable.monitorService = monitorService;
- supervisedProcesses.put(lifecycleAware, process);
- //创建并执行一个在给定初始延迟后首次启用的定期操作,随后,在每一次执行终止和下一次执行开始之间都存在给定的延迟。如果任务的任一执行遇到异常,就会取消后续执行。
- ScheduledFuture<?> future = monitorService.scheduleWithFixedDelay(
- monitorRunnable, 0, 3, TimeUnit.SECONDS); //启动MonitorRunnable,结束之后3秒再重新启动,可以用于重试
- monitorFutures.put(lifecycleAware, future);
- }
该方法首先monitorService是否是正常运行状态;然后构造Supervisoree process = new Supervisoree(),进行赋值并构造一个监控进程MonitorRunnable,放入线程池去执行。
- public void run() {
- logger.debug("checking process:{} supervisoree:{}", lifecycleAware,
- supervisoree);
- long now = System.currentTimeMillis();//获取现在的时间戳
- try {
- if (supervisoree.status.firstSeen == null) {
- logger.debug("first time seeing {}", lifecycleAware);
- //如果这个组件是是初次受监控
- supervisoree.status.firstSeen = now;
- }
- //如果这个组件已经监控过
- supervisoree.status.lastSeen = now;
- synchronized (lifecycleAware) {//锁住组件
- if (supervisoree.status.discard) {//该组件已经停止监控
- // Unsupervise has already been called on this.
- logger.info("Component has already been stopped {}", lifecycleAware);
- return;//直接返回
- } else if (supervisoree.status.error) {//该组件是错误状态
- logger.info("Component {} is in error state, and Flume will not"
- + "attempt to change its state", lifecycleAware);
- return;//直接返回
- }
- supervisoree.status.lastSeenState = lifecycleAware.getLifecycleState();//获取组件最新状态,没运行start()方法之前是LifecycleState.IDLE状态
- if (!lifecycleAware.getLifecycleState().equals(
- supervisoree.status.desiredState)) {//该组件最新状态和期望的状态不一致
- logger.debug("Want to transition {} from {} to {} (failures:{})",
- new Object[] { lifecycleAware, supervisoree.status.lastSeenState,
- supervisoree.status.desiredState,
- supervisoree.status.failures });
- switch (supervisoree.status.desiredState) {//根据状态执行相应的操作
- case START:
- try {
- lifecycleAware.start(); //启动组件,同时其状态也会变为LifecycleState.START
- } catch (Throwable e) {
- logger.error("Unable to start " + lifecycleAware
- + " - Exception follows.", e);
- if (e instanceof Error) {
- // This component can never recover, shut it down.
- supervisoree.status.desiredState = LifecycleState.STOP;
- try {
- lifecycleAware.stop();
- logger.warn("Component {} stopped, since it could not be"
- + "successfully started due to missing dependencies",
- lifecycleAware);
- } catch (Throwable e1) {
- logger.error("Unsuccessful attempt to "
- + "shutdown component: {} due to missing dependencies."
- + " Please shutdown the agent"
- + "or disable this component, or the agent will be"
- + "in an undefined state.", e1);
- supervisoree.status.error = true;
- if (e1 instanceof Error) {
- throw (Error) e1;
- }
- // Set the state to stop, so that the conf poller can
- // proceed.
- }
- }
- supervisoree.status.failures++;//启动错误失败次数+1
- }
- break;
- case STOP:
- try {
- lifecycleAware.stop(); //停止组件
- } catch (Throwable e) {
- logger.error("Unable to stop " + lifecycleAware
- + " - Exception follows.", e);
- if (e instanceof Error) {
- throw (Error) e;
- }
- supervisoree.status.failures++; //组件停止错误,错误次数+1
- }
- break;
- default:
- logger.warn("I refuse to acknowledge {} as a desired state",
- supervisoree.status.desiredState);
- }
- //两种SupervisorPolicy(AlwaysRestartPolicy和OnceOnlyPolicy)后者还未使用过,前者表示可以重新启动的组件,后者表示只能运行一次的组件
- if (!supervisoree.policy.isValid(lifecycleAware, supervisoree.status)) {
- logger.error(
- "Policy {} of {} has been violated - supervisor should exit!",
- supervisoree.policy, lifecycleAware);
- }
- }
- }
- } catch(Throwable t) {
- logger.error("Unexpected error", t);
- }
- logger.debug("Status check complete");
- }
上面的 lifecycleAware.stop()和lifecycleAware.start()就是执行的sink、source、channel等的对应方法。
- private void stopAllComponents() {
- if (this.materializedConfiguration != null) {
- logger.info("Shutting down configuration: {}", this.materializedConfiguration);
- for (Entry<String, SourceRunner> entry : this.materializedConfiguration
- .getSourceRunners().entrySet()) {
- try{
- logger.info("Stopping Source " + entry.getKey());
- supervisor.unsupervise(entry.getValue());
- } catch (Exception e){
- logger.error("Error while stopping {}", entry.getValue(), e);
- }
- }
- for (Entry<String, SinkRunner> entry :
- this.materializedConfiguration.getSinkRunners().entrySet()) {
- try{
- logger.info("Stopping Sink " + entry.getKey());
- supervisor.unsupervise(entry.getValue());
- } catch (Exception e){
- logger.error("Error while stopping {}", entry.getValue(), e);
- }
- }
- for (Entry<String, Channel> entry :
- this.materializedConfiguration.getChannels().entrySet()) {
- try{
- logger.info("Stopping Channel " + entry.getKey());
- supervisor.unsupervise(entry.getValue());
- } catch (Exception e){
- logger.error("Error while stopping {}", entry.getValue(), e);
- }
- }
- }
- if(monitorServer != null) {
- monitorServer.stop();
- }
- }
首先,需要注意的是,stopAllComponents()放在startAllComponents(MaterializedConfiguration materializedConfiguration)方法之前的原因,由于配置文件的动态加载这一特性的存在,使得每次加载之前都要先把旧的组件停掉,然后才能去加载最新配置文件中的配置;
- public synchronized void unsupervise(LifecycleAware lifecycleAware) {
- Preconditions.checkState(supervisedProcesses.containsKey(lifecycleAware),
- "Unaware of " + lifecycleAware + " - can not unsupervise");
- logger.debug("Unsupervising service:{}", lifecycleAware);
- synchronized (lifecycleAware) {
- Supervisoree supervisoree = supervisedProcesses.get(lifecycleAware);
- supervisoree.status.discard = true;
- this.setDesiredState(lifecycleAware, LifecycleState.STOP);
- logger.info("Stopping component: {}", lifecycleAware);
- lifecycleAware.stop();
- }
- supervisedProcesses.remove(lifecycleAware);
- //We need to do this because a reconfiguration simply unsupervises old
- //components and supervises new ones.
- monitorFutures.get(lifecycleAware).cancel(false);
- //purges are expensive, so it is done only once every 2 hours.
- needToPurge = true;
- monitorFutures.remove(lifecycleAware);
- }
该方法首先会检查正在运行的组件当中是否有此组件supervisedProcesses.containsKey(lifecycleAware);如果存在,则对此组件标记为已取消监控supervisoree.status.discard = true;将状态设置为STOP,并停止组件lifecycleAware.stop();然后从删除此组件的监控记录,包括从记录正在处于监控的组件的结构supervisedProcesses以及记录组件及其对应的运行线程的结构monitorFutures中删除相应的组件信息,并且needToPurge = true会使得两小时执行一次的线程池清理操作。